Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Why is that most people do not sign up to win free books.  I love books.  Books keeps the brain working and astute.
There are researches that have been done that show that reading books especially in old age keeps your memory in tip top shape. 

So here is a link to see if you can win this book. Eat What You Love, Love what you eat, by Michelle May

I love books.

I highly recommend the book exchange site Paper Book Swap, You earn credits for trading books with other members or you can buy credits to get books from other members. I would ask you check it out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The friendly Gas Station Man...

So I have made an awesome freind at my gasoline station up the street.  He allows me on Monday mornings to come and pick out the coupons from Sunday's paper. Saves me a few dollars each week plus all the coupons I get. I grabbed 5 inserts this week!!! last week 3 which I got to use the dannon activia coupns and grabbed the 4 packs for a $1.00 each. how awesome!!!