Work is work and can not make it pesonal, So taking my mothers advise and keeping to myself...
So no talking about personal life to Co-workers...Cause that is all they are is Co-workers. Not saying all of them are back stabbers and only looking out for themselves but its best to keep your distance.
I must say though that I have had a few great friends from past J.O.B.S, my friend Beth- great times with her. and My great long distance friend Patrina, which i have truely never met in person, she worked at the CA office and I worked at the IL office. And of course my old boss Rosie from when I worked as a student worker at the Waubonsee. To this day she is still one of my greatest inspirations.
Its not like I have time for friends 4 kids, husband and living quarters, but they few I do I have I cherish and appreciate becasue even if I haven't talked to them in a while, I can always call them and its like time never passed.
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